# Competency
A Competency is a discrete unit of competence, and is represented in CASS as an object labelled with a name, description, and other data.
Examples of competencies:
- Running
- Adding two numbers with two digits each
- Repairing a solder joint
- Installing a CASS Repository on a server
Competencies most commonly exist within a context such as an educational framework, a job role or title, or a knowledge domain. While it is possible to remove a well-described competency from this context, the context helps define the competency. There can be significant information lost when a competency is referenced outside of its framework.
To learn more about frameworks or competencies, visit the CASS Overview.
CASS Competencies are objects distinct of the frameworks in which they exist and the relations that connect them to one another. Each Competency is referred to by a URL which acts both as a unique identifier and a locator for the data that describes the competency.
# Creation
The CASS Libraries include a competency helper object that extends Competency with additional methods.
var c = new EcCompetency();
c.name = "Running";
c.description = "The ability of a creature to ambulate with such rapidity that more than half of the limbs involved do not touch the ground at some point in the motion.";
# Adding a Competency to a Framework
var c = new EcCompetency();
c.name = "Competency 1";
f.addCompetency(c.shortId()); // Add the competency such that it will update automatically
// Alternatively...
f.addCompetency(c.id); // Add this particular version of the competency
// Don’t forget to save the framework and/or competency.
# Removing a Competency from a Framework
This method will also remove relations that involve the competency and levels that refer to the competency.
c.id, // Can also use c.shortId()
function() {}, // Success
function(error) {} // Failure
// Don’t forget to save the framework and/or delete the competency.
# Save
EcCompetency has a helper method that validates expected fields before saving.
function() {}, // Success
function(error) {} // Failure
# Delete
EcCompetency has a helper method that deletes the competency. This does NOT DELETE any objects that reference the competency.
function() {}, // Success
function(error) {} // Failure
# Get
EcCompetency has a static helper method for retrieving a Competency, automatically decrypting it, automatically encrypting it on save, and casting it to the EcCompetency object. The blocking version locks the thread while this occurs.
function(competency) {}, // Success
function(error) {} // Failure
// Alternatively...
var c = await EcCompetency.get(url);
# Search
EcCompetency has a static helper method for searching for Competencies.
// Searches for competencies
function(arrayOfEcCompetencies) {}, // Success
function(error) {} // Failure
// Searches for up to 5000 competencies that have “Workforce” in the name.
"name:Workforce", // ElasticSearch Query string
function(arrayOfEcCompetencies) {}, // Success
function(error) {}, // Failure