# Contributing
Thanks you for your interest in contributing to CaSS.
Additional governance documentation is available on the GitHub Community Page (opens new window) for CaSS.
# Getting Started
Before you contribute, please connect with the CaSS Project group by subscribing to the slack channel, joining the mailing lists, and joining the #dev channel on Slack. Once you have joined the group, please introduce yourself by telling us who you are and what type of contributions you are interested in making. We welcome contributions of:
- Issues
- Tools or applications that use CaSS Libraries
- Libraries or adapters that enable CaSS to integrate with third party applications
- CaSS Project or CaSS Library code
- Documentation and guides
Please note that all contributions will be reviewed by the governance team or technical advisory group of the CaSS Project.
# Getting Help
If you get stuck or find a problem, please file a GitHub and, for more immediate help, contact us via Slack or by emailing us.
# Development Stack
The CASS Library is a Javascript Library, and is available in GitHub (opens new window), NPM (opens new window) and Bower (opens new window).
The preferred development environment is not specified, but we tend to use Visual Studio Code.
# Governance
- The CaSS Project is an open source community governed by Eduworks Corporation (opens new window) ("Eduworks").
- The CaSS website, documentation, and GitHub project are managed by Eduworks.
- The CaSS Project accepts contributions in the form of pull requests, communications, suggestions, documents, and issues via GitHub.
- All contributors must sign a CaSS Project CLA prior to making any contribution outside of GitHub. The CaSS Project CLAs are similar to the Individual and Corporate Apache Contributor License Agreements. Please email us for a CLA.
# Architecture
The CaSS Architecture Slides document, available here (opens new window), is a useful set of visualizations for understanding CaSS and its architecture.
# Contributing
To contribute changes to CaSS, please clone the project to your GitHub and submit changes from your clone to the main project via Pull Requests. To contribute new libraries or software, please devolop the code on GitHub and assign your project to the CaSS Project Group when complete.
All contributions will be reviewed by Eduworks. Commits of accepted contributions will be made by Eduworks.
To contribute other resources, please contact us.